Love Love is... Love is decisive. Love is relentless. Love is stubborn. Love is no matter what. Love is no matter when. Love is no matter the cost. Love is "yes, and". Love is "with". Love is that thing, that mysterious, indescribable thing which holds us together when all else seems to be crumbling apart. Love is reckless and illogical. Love stands when it more convenient to sit. Love stays when it is easier to leave. Love is silent when all you want to do is speak. Love speaks even when fear tries to steal your voice. Love is beyond us, Yet simultaneously dwells within us. Love makes no sense. Yet love is the only thing that makes sense out of our everyday nonsense. Love cannot be found... because Love is. This Advent, we await the arrival of Love made flesh. If you listen closely you may even hear Love's voice... in the cry of a child. As Love, the love that is the presence of all of love comes down to make its dwelling with us; within us. Love is... 1 John 4...