I have personally become aware of how much I carry with me everyday. There is the grief over lives lost and loved ones missed . . . There is the uncertainty surrounding what may be ahead . . . There is the sadness about opportunities missed . . . There is the guilt over things done and things left undone . . . There is the weight of unreasonable expectations I place on myself or what I think others expect of me . . . There is the fear of letting others down . . . There is . . . This list could go on. Maybe you have a similar one. Today, we find ourselves halfway through this Season of Lent - a season of the Christian calendar that opens the door for reflection, introspection, contemplation, and renewal. As a part of this journey, what if we took the opportunity to take a long look at all of the things we carry? What if we examined each one and reflected on where they come from? What if we then asked if this particular thing is something that is ours to carr...